Voter Registration Training

Voting is a fundamental component of democracy, yet, voting rights are challenged by recent events in Wisconsin. Recent legislation in Wisconsin has presented barriers to citizens wishing to vote. In the 2016 presidential election, Wisconsin experienced the lowest voter turnout in 20 years. Donald Trump won the state by only 27,257 votes.

Local citizen groups are in a position to push back against voter suppression efforts. Voter registration and assistance is a powerful way to promote civic involvement and have a direct impact on local electoral outcomes.

This training (recorded on September 9th, at the L.E. Phillips Public Library in Eau Claire) covered current election rules, how to navigate the voter registration process and how to best operate within post-2016 Wisconsin laws. It discusses strategies for reaching under-served groups of citizens.

At this training, you will:
Learn voter registration and voter issues in post 2016 Wisconsin.
Receive handouts that will help you register voters in any situation.
Meet other people in your area interested in helping voters.
Discuss ideas to reach and register more voters, and hear the ideas of others.
The trainings are non-partisan. The information in the trainings will be neutral and useful to members of any political affiliation.
This event was free and open to the public. Please share widely!

The workshop was sponsored by Indivisible Chippewa Valley.

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